vineri, 31 martie 2017

You Need More Than Medical Records to Prove Your Disability - Attorney John V. Tucker explains Enter the secret sale page at MedicoNotes.
You Need More Than Medical Records to Prove Your Disability - Attorney John V. Tucker explains (855) 757-0707 Listen as John Tucker discusses a situation in which the long term disability insurance company denies your claim even though your doctor stated you could not return to work. As an example, a former client had a rare form of arthritis that could not be diagnosed until she went to the Mayo Clinic, which employs some of the top specialists in the country. Even after doing this and receiving a note from her doctor, her claim was denied by the insurance company. It is a common mistake to think that your medical records are enough to prove a disability claim. Medical records are used by doctors to document their findings and for referencing previous visits and diagnoses, but they do not show specifically the reasons why you are disabled. In order to establish your disability, we need to obtain additional information and reports from your doctor that will best prove your claim. Watch the video to learn more. If you have additional questions regarding the type of information that needs to be included in the medical records and other sources of information for your claim, I want you to call me at (855) 757-0707. I welcome your call. Visit our educational website at, where you can view more videos and media content from our law firm. John V. Tucker Serving Long Term Disability Clients Nationwide Main Office: St. Petersburg, FL By Appointment Only: Tampa and Ft. Lauderdale (855) 757-0707

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