duminică, 1 mai 2016

Spy Tools - Best Spy App for Android iOS and Windows - A free tool for every Spy

http://bit.do/3Vqt Best mobile spy app secret promo: 60%OFF
Spy Tools is the type of spy app 007 would use. Its the stealth spy phone app you have been locking for. Be a spy and unveil the secrets and mysteries of all that surrounds you. This spy app will take you to a realistic lock screen. While others think that you are just typing a password, you are actually taking a secret audio recording, or capturing pictures videos or audio. Now that is some real stealth spy app 007 action right there! Download for Android : https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.technatives.spytools Download for Windows : https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/store/apps/spy-tools-best-stealth-spy-phone-app/9nblggh6991n#app-details Download for iOS : COMING SOON, currently in submission on the Appstore Features: * Disguises into a lock screen while enabling you to capture photos, videos and record audio * Spy Clock - Disguises as a clock screen while enabling you to capture photos, videos and record audio * Easy setup * Easy save media * Motion detection and timer - You can setup the app for recording video to stop recording after some period of time. Or whenever it is left on a table * Edit Audio and Video *Special Feature* ~Burst Mode Supports the following file type: Images: jpeg and png Audio: wav Video: mov Here is a quick "how to" if your interested https://youtu.be/oPvbfpe_WDg Be sure to check out what Teddy Bear had to say about it lol https://youtu.be/CQn-PWHPrDk

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