vineri, 28 aprilie 2017

How to create a better HTML editor in Visual Basic 2010 Secret sale at Chatmapper.
This tutorial is a response to my first video: how to create a basic html editor in visual basic 2010, this tutorial is a little more advanced and includes a better preview function, opening and saving. Please comment, rate and subscribe! (Here are the codes) Preview ============================================================= Webbrowser1.DocumentText = Richtextbox1.Text ******************************************************************************************* Open ============================================================= Dim open as New OpenFileDialog open.Filter = "HTML Files (*.htm)|*.htm" If open.ShowDialog() = System.Windows.Forms.DialogResult.OK Then RichTextBox1.LoadFile(open.FileName) Else 'Do Nothing End If ******************************************************************************************* Save ============================================================= dlg.Filter = "HTML Files (*.htm)|*.htm" If dlg.ShowDialog() = System.Windows.Forms.DialogResult.OK Then Richtextbox1.SaveFile(dlg.FileName, RichTextBoxStreamType.RichText) End If

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