duminică, 30 aprilie 2017

Fire Monkey: Progress Dialog and Activity Dialog [iOS, Android]

http://bit.do/dp7ia Secret sale page at SimplexOpcUa.
Special components for displaying notifications of longtime operation (downloading, authorization): TfgProgressDialog and TfgActivityDialog TfgProgressDialog - If you can estimate duration of long time operation (count of downloaded files, size of file and etc.). TfgActivityDialog - if you can not estimate duration of long time operation (Response from server, authorization). Upload new version of library for XE6 only! Features: 1. Progress Dialog - Added OnShow, OnHide events. 2. Progress Dialog - fixed some memory leaks. 3. TfgProgressDialog added new method ResetProgress for immediate reset progress without animation. 4. TfgActionSheet - added supporting TAction. Also now we can set only one "destructive" and "cancel" actions. 5. TfgColorsPanel - Added new control for choosing colors from colors preset. It supports WebSafe, X11 and custom presets 6. TfgGradientEdit - Added new control for choosing gradient. 7. TfgLinkedLabel - added label with supporting opening web URL in standard WebBrowser (all platforms) 8. Added and improved samples with all controls. 9. Added helpers 10. Another Improvements in code. More info: http://fire-monkey.ru/topic/83-fgx-indikatciia-khoda-vypolneniia-dlitelnykh-operatci

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