joi, 28 iulie 2016

Apple peel ingredient may help weight loss - Insidermedicine In 60 Secret discounts at DecibelNutrition
From Iowa - A compound found in apple peels may enhance calorie burning and prevent obesity, according to a report published in PLoS ONE. Researchers fed mice a high fat diet for several weeks, with half of the rodents receiving the apple peel compound ursolic acid. They found that mice in the ursolic acid group gained less weight than the other group, and also maintained normal blood sugar levels and did not develop obesity-related fatty liver disease. From Denmark - Traffic noise significantly raises risk of heart attack, according to a report published in PLoS ONE. Studying over 50,000 individuals, researchers found that heart attack risk rose 12% per each 10 decibel exposure to traffic noise. From Newcastle - A new report published in PLoS ONE finds that children are spending very little time being physically active. Researchers studied over 500 8-10 year olds, using portable monitors to follow their activity levels. Results showed children were spending about 20 minutes per day being physically active--or 4% of awake time, while recommendations maintain children need about 60 minutes a day to be healthy.

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