duminică, 24 februarie 2019

Use Calibre plugins to deDRM Kindle ebooks for use in iBooks

https://bit.ly/2LEUvnU Enter to see secret sale page at M4vgear.
Calibre is a great ebook library manager. I'll show how to take your Kindle ebooks purchased from Amazon and load them into iBooks on your iPhone or iPad. With a few plugins you can convert the encrypted AZW files to DRM free MOBI and EPUB formats. I also show how to set up over the air transfers from Calibre to your IOS device. The method is based on the instructions and DRM tools provided by "Apprentice Alf" and can be used for converting other encrypted formats including those from Adobe and Barns & Noble. You'll need to download software from: https://www.amazon.com/gp/digital/fiona/kcp-landing-page http://calibre-ebook.com http://apprenticealf.wordpress.com/2012/09/10/drm-removal-tools-for-ebooks/ Update November 2015 The plugin by Apprentice Alf is now available on GitHub. The current version is 6.3.4a and consists of one plugin to install instead of 5 mentioned in the video. https://github.com/apprenticeharper/DeDRM_tools/releases/tag/v6.3.4a This is my first screencast video, I hope its helpful.

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