sâmbătă, 28 octombrie 2017

Hobbycraft Request Workers To Speak English At Work

http://tidd.ly/98345e9d Secret occasions page at HobbyCraft
http://londontranslations.co.uk Is it reasonable for hobbycraft to insist workers use English language at work? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P9xP8_C50m8 Recent reports have revealed that arts and craft chain Hobbycraft have told employees that they have to speak English during work hours. In this video, we take a look at the reports.. An article published on the Daily Mail website has reported that Hobbycraft employees have recently been informed that in accordance with the firm's policy, only English should be spoken during work hours. Employees have reportedly been told that if they are caught doing otherwise, they could face disciplinary action. Suggestions are made that the firm held the meeting as a result of difficulties caused by different nationalities conversing in their own languages and that by only allowing employs to speak English, they hope to create a good working environment. Experts suggest that the move could be indirectly discriminatory and has the potential to lead to compensation claims. A spokesperson for the London Translations recently said... This article raises some interesting points and proves that language means more to people than just the words they use, it provides a sense of cultural identity, the comfort of familiarity and social cohesion. As workforces become increasingly diverse, employers face a delicate balancing act between the rights employees and operational effectiveness and safety. It's no accident that all air traffic control messages are transmitted in English and all airline pilots are required to have a minimum level of English to avoid accidents but in less critical environments we favour a search for compromise. We'd love to hear your thoughts on the matter. Please leave your interesting views and questions in the comments section below. To find out more about London Translations, simply click the button displaying on the video right now. Source: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2559364/Foreign-workers-banned-speaking-language-told-speak-English-face-sack.html

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