sâmbătă, 28 noiembrie 2015

Newman Projection to Bond Line Notation Trick Leah4sci

http://bit.do/bn65a Epubor Sales -- 40% off for all.
http://leah4sci.com/newman-projections/ Presents: Newman Projection to Bond-Line Notation Trick - No model kit required! Struggling with Orgo? Grab my free ebook '10 Secrets To Acing Organic Chemistry' http://leah4sci.com/orgo-ebook/ This video teaches you my logic-based trick to quickly turn a Newman Projection into a bond-line notation or skeletal structure without the need to rely on your model kit. Catch my entire Newman Projections video series on my website: http://leah4sci.com/newman-projections/ For more in-depth review including practice problems and explanations, check out my online membership site: http://studyhall.leah4sci.com/join For private online tutoring visit my website: http://leah4sci.com/organic-chemistry-tutor/ Finally, for questions and comments, find me on social media here: Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Leah4sci Twitter: https://twitter.com/Leah4Sci Google+ https://plus.google.com/u/0/+LeahFisch Pinterest: http://www.pinterest.com/leah4sci/

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