sâmbătă, 30 martie 2019

der.hans: Online Privacy Security and Password Management

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Presented at the Phoenix Linux Users Group on January 12th 2017 by der.hans Take control of your online security and privacy. Continuing breaches at high-profile sites prove that you can't rely on cloud services to protect your accounts. This updated presentation is the basis der.hans January 2017 Linux Journal cover article. Password managers such as KeePassX make it easy to use different, strong passwords and usernames for each site. They also enable other good security practices. Take charge of your personal online security. Also covers practices that can effectively keep your online accounts seperate from each other so that a security breach at one company doesn't expose your other accounts. Avoid the domino effect. About der.hans: der.hans is a Free Software, technology and entrepreneurial veteran. He is a repeat author for the Linux Journal with his article about online privacy and security using a password manager as the cover article for the January 2017 issue. He is chairman of the Phoenix Linux User Group (PLUG), BoF organizer for the Southern California Linux Expo (SCaLE) and founder of the Free Software Stammtisch. He presents regularly at large community-led conferences (SCaLE, SeaGL, LFNW) and many local groups. If you like what you see here, the Phoenix Linux Users Group meets several times a month. Please visit http://PhxLinux.org for meeting times and locations then come see the presentations live and uncut.

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