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Transcription: Photo Books made on Shutterfly can hold a maximum of 111 pages. In this video, we'll show you how to manage your pages by adding and removing them. In Edit mode, you can add pages by clicking on either of these icons here. If your Photo Book has the maximum amount of pages, all of the Add Page buttons will be unavailable. Once you click on Add Pages, a window will come up telling you how many pages you can add, if you would like to add before or after your currently selected page or to the end of your project. In Storyboard mode, you can add a page to the end of our Photo Book by scrolling to the end of the page and clicking on Add Page If you already have spreads in your Photo Book, please remember to add an even number of pages to keep your spreads together. To Remove a Page in Edit or Arrange Mode, simply mouse over the page you would like to remove and click on the "X" on the upper right. To remove a page in Storyboard Mode, click on the page, then on the Remove Page icon up above. Any Photos that were on the page will return to the Photo Collection.
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