marți, 25 aprilie 2017

Malgré moi Prévert 2 voices then 2 ocarinas with guitar Artensoft secret sale page.
Scores of various versions available on 2 voices and guitar 2 voices and piano 2 ocarinas and guitar 2 ocarinas and piano 2 Saxophones and piano Cello quintet Image created from a photo of the composer/performer at age 23 (ah la jeunesse!) and made into a mosaic using Artensoft Photo Mosaic Wizard Poem by Jacques Prévert, set to music by David W Solomons with permission from Hughes Bachelot. Embauché malgré moi ... Taken on, against my will, dans l'usine à idées ... at the thought factory, j'ai refusé de pointer ...I refused to clock on Mobilisé de même ... Conscripted just the same dans l'armée des idées ...into the thought army j'ai déserté ...I deserted Je n'ai jamais compris ...I've never understood grand-chose ...much Il n'y a jamais ....There is never grand-chose ...much ni petite chose ...nor little details Il y a autre chose. ...there's something else Autre chose ...something else c'est ce que j'aime ...that's what I like qui me plaît ...what pleases me et que je fais. ...and what I do Embauché malgré moi ...Taken on, against my will... In this poem Prévert claims he was recruited to the factory or army of ideas (ie to go along with the masses), but prefers to go his own way: "autre chose" - the other - is what he likes.

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