joi, 4 august 2016

Big Pharma Attacks Vaping Industry - US Government Assist With New FDA Regs Secret sale at Vape Direct
Today, Tuesday, October 27th, longtime vaping opponent the Campaign for Tobacco-Free Kids (CTFK) has organized a call-in action to urge President Obama to put pressure on the FDA to finalize their Tobacco Deeming Regulations. What CTFK and others are failing to mention is that if the deeming regulations are enacted as written, 99.9% of the vapor products currently on the market will be gone within two to four years. Make no mistake, the current proposed regulations will have a devastating impact on consumers and businesses alike; not to mention the obvious damage to public health. LINK: Listen to the full episode here: Episode #1087 - Pastor Kent Hovind Pastor Kent Hovind joins Pete to talk about his time spent as a political prisoner in Florida. About Pastor Kent Hovind - After nearly 10 years of persecution and the past month of solitary confinement (for no reason whatsoever) Kent Hovind is a free man as of July 8th, 2015. The government abused him, tried to destroy his spirit, dieseled him around the country nearly 30 times over the past 9 years, put him in cells with violent inmates, illegally tampered with court transcripts, and targeted him solely because he was one of the only Christians who took a stand for God without compromising. The IRS has now apologized for misapplying structuring laws, and very soon all of the 2006 charges will be overturned and Kent will be restored 70x7 all that was stolen from him and his family. This was never about "taxes" and for the past 8 months we've posted hundreds of videos & released scores of documents that have exposed everything that has happened to this innocent man the past decade. Restitution is coming. GMN's 24/7 YouTube Live Audio Stream & Chat: Please visit & bookmark our website: You can also listen to the audio stream 24/7: (712) 432-7848 *** Help keep The Pete Santilli Show raw; real & independent....If you like our channel; please support us: Direct to PayPal: Twitter: Like Us On Facebook! Download free high quality copy of The Pete Santilli Show: E-Militia Please be sure to comment, share, like and subscribe! Live Call-In Line: Tel 605-562-3140 Code: 407265 Live 24/7 Listener Line 712-432-7848 The Pete Santilli Show broadcasts live Mon thru Sat 8pm-11pm EST /7pm-10pm CST / 5pm-8pm EST The Pete Santilli Show is now's #1 radio show worldwide! Please also visit our sponsors: Phone & Tablet Repair Made Easy: Pete's Vaping Starter Kit Lose Weight with Life Change Tea **** The Official Cincinnati Band of The Pete Santilli Show: "See You In The Funnies" Visit their website: Buy their latest album on iTunes:

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