duminică, 28 februarie 2016

Why You Need Merch at Gigs - The Racket

http://tidd.ly/75543803 Secret clearence page for big brands at little prices.
Making money from gigs is TOUGH. Merch marketing guru for big brands like Blink 182's Atticus and drummer for the Wonder Stuff gives the 101 on why you need merch, branding and sponsorship. Can Anyone be a Music Producer?: https://youtu.be/hbAvxuX6mYM Why You Need Merch at Gigs: https://youtu.be/leRcFQtviCA What to do before you go into the studio: COMING SOON! Promoting A Gig: https://youtu.be/Td6GJIHUUXI Twitter: @TheMusicRacket Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/themusicracket?ref=hl Subscribe for Updates! https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCC8mxXiq-HBE_iG_oSIpF-A?sub_confirmation=1

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