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Constipation (Dyschezia), digestive evacuation disorder, is when bowel movements (defecation) are infrequent, hard and painful to pass. If you have fewer than 3 bowel movements per week you are constipated, if you have fewer than one movement per week you are severely constipated. Defecation is the final act of digestion during which the colon eliminates solid, semisolid, and/or liquid waste material through the anus. Muscular contraction, peristalsis, in the walls of the colon move fecal matter towards the rectum. The colon (large intestine), situated at the end of the GI tract, is about 5 feet (1,5 m) long and 2.5 in (6 cm) in diameter. Undigested food is also expelled through defecation in a process called egestion. Severe constipation includes obstipation (failure to pass stools or gas) and fecal impaction, which can progress to bowel obstruction and become life-threatening. To improve your stool: -Chew your food thoroughly. The harder the food the more you have chew it. Remember that if the ingested food bits are too big, your stomach acids will not be able to break them down completely and your small intestine will not absorb any macronutrients. -Drink plenty of water after your meals. -For hard stools caused by slow transit time eat more fiber mostly from vegetables. -For soft stool that pass quickly eat more protein and fat to slow the digestive process. Increase your digestive enzymes naturally to help your body absorb the nutrients you eat by eating more raw fruits and vegetables. Tropical fruits are the best. -Eat probiotic rich foods (fermented foods & drinks): sauerkraut, kefir, kvass. Best toilet posture for those who struggle with constipation is squatting not sitting. Consequences of Constipation: -Bad breath. -Skin eruptions. -Colon toxicity. -Hemorrhoids (internal & external). -Diverticulosis/Diverticulitis. -Fecal impaction. -Rectal prolapse & fecal incontinence. -Genitourinary infections, mostly in women. -Anal fissures (cracks in the skin). -Colorectal cancer. -Stress & anxiety. -Reduced sense of well-being. -Negative impact over the cardiovascular, endocrine, and immune systems. Points to Remember: -Constipation is one of the most common gastrointestinal problems among all age groups. -The hard & dry stools happen when the colon absorbs too much water or if the colon's muscle contractions are slow. Colon sluggishness causes the stool to move through the colon too slowly. Most frequent causes of constipation: -Not enough fiber & liquids in the diet. -Lack of exercise & physical activity. -Stress. -Excess of certain medications. -Irritable bowel syndrome. -Changes in life& daily routine: pregnancy, older age, & travel. -Abuse of laxatives. -Ignoring the urge to have a bowel movement. -Stroke. -Troubles with the colon, rectum & intestinal function. -Digestive disorders. IMPORTANT: In most cases, constipation can be prevented, improved or cured naturally. You can relieve it by treating the underlying medical conditions, with regular exercise, control of stress, relaxation, healthy diet with moderate alcohol and plenty of fresh fruits and vegetables.
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